McManager CMS

McManager CMS is een geavanceerd, schaalbaar en gebruiksvriendelijk CMS systeem voor het creëren en onderhouden van internet content. Het product is bijzonder makkelijk in gebruik. Door de op Microsoft Office gebaseerde gebruikersinterface voelen gebruikers zich snel thuis. Hierdoor neemt McManager CMS de barrières voor een actieve deelname aan het content productie proces snel weg.
Onder de toegankelijke interface schuilt een zeer krachtig en geavanceerd gereedschap. McManager CMS maakt gebruik van de modernste technologie, en stelt u in staat om de nieuwste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van webtechnologie direct in te zetten op uw site. Uw bezoekers worden optimaal geinformeerd en aangezet tot actie.
Souncloud Shortcode
The Soundcloud Shortcode allows you to insert Soundcloud audio into your website with ease. Simply indicate the URL, and you’re good to go. This shortcode is fully responsive, and works perfectly with our columns shortcode. It also features some meta options such as width, height, auto play, color, and comments.
Complete Set of Options
Every option and description included with the media shortcodes are listed below.
Lightbox Shortcode
- title – the custom description text that will be displayed inside the lightbox.
- href – The URL path of the image, video or website you want to open in the lightbox.
- data-rel – Must stay as prettyPhoto for the lightbox to work.
- src – The URL path of the small image that will trigger the lightbox.
- alt – The custom alternative title text that will show up in the lightbox.
- class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
- id – Add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
Youtube Shortcode
- id – The id of the video you want to insert. For example, the Video ID for is LOfeCR7KqUs.
- width – Accepts a pixel value or a percentage to set the width. For example, 1px, or 50%. Leave Blank for full width.
- height – Accepts a pixel value or a percentage to set the height. For example, 1px, or 50%. Leave Blank for full width.
- autoplay – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will enable or disable autoplay.
- api_params – An additonal vimeo video paramter option.
- class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
Vimeo Shortcode
- id – The id of the video you want to insert. For example, the Video ID for is 75230326.
- width – Accepts a pixel value or a percentage to set the width. For example, 1px, or 50%. Leave Blank for full width.
- height – Accepts a pixel value or a percentage to set the height. For example, 1px, or 50%. Leave Blank for full width.
- autoplay – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will enable or disable autoplay.
- api_params – An additonal vimeo video paramter option.
- class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
Soundcloud Shortcode
- url – The URL path of the soundcloud track you want to embed. For example,
- comments – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will show or hide comments.
- auto_play – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will enable or disable autoplay.
- color – Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the color.
- width – Accepts a pixel value or a percentage to set the width. For example, 1px, or 50%. Leave Blank for full width.
- height – Accepts a pixel value or a percentage to set the height. For example, 1px, or 50%. Leave Blank for full width.
- class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
- id – Add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
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